Monday, August 11, 2008

men in skirts . . . totally awesome

i've actually been wanting to go to these games forever and i finally had the opportunity last weekend. i went with my bug and my buddy chris. we met up with a couple of his friends while we were there.

we missed most of the athletics, but made the tail-end of some events (yeah men in kilts!). the important thing we made it there for was the bag pipe band competition. it was AWESOME. i even had a chance to register with my clan (the Campbells of Argyle) and get a few souvenirs.

it was heaps of fun. i've linked an album of this pictures i took at the bottom, so check 'em out if you gots the time.

yeah kilts!

highland games

1 comment:

DM1779 said...

Men in skirts?? something isn't right...