so, there i was yesterday, driving back from a lovely walk around the lake with my charming little bug, and i come to a stop in a left-hand turn lane about a mile from my house and the audi, my dutiful little allroad, dies. ka-plooey.
it just so happens that i'm the first in line, mind you, so when the light turns green, i can't go anywhere, and my hazard lights aren't cooperating with me, and i'm trying to wave the people around from behind me, but all they do is honk at me.
meanwhile, in the backseat, my little bug is having a grand ol' time with our new little adventure . . . she's such a trooper.
any-who, so after many honkings, nasty looks and the turn signal going through it's cycle about 7 times, and calling just about everyone i can for help (no one was home or was in a position to help) a lovely couple comes to my rescue.
this kind, gracious gentlemen hops out of his car (instead of honking at me) and asks whats wrong and could he help, gets someone to help him push my car somewhere safe when the light turns green, and ends up having a tow rope in his truck, tows my car all the way home and him and his wife help push my car into my parking spot.
it was amazing. a very sad day for my audi, but a wonderful day for renewing my faith in humanity. it's just good to know that there are still wonderful compassionate people out there that are willing to take time out of their schedules to help someone stranded.
thank heavens for good samaritans.
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